Monday 15 September 2014


The end of my final year of school was a great moment, not just because there was no more of this "HSC pressure", but also because my parents rewarded me with a trip to a place I'd always dreamt of; New York City. On the 28th December, my family and I set forth on our 24 hour journey to the other side of the world. New York certainly lived up to its expectations, "the city that never sleeps". Although there was one location in particular that truly made this holiday memorable. Times Square.

Times Square, located in Midtown Manhattan, is what I would name "the centre of the world", stretching from the junction of Broadway and Seventh Ave all the way to West 42nd Street and
West 47th Street.

Although it sounds cliche, this was without a doubt the most memorable experience of my life. The date, 31st December 2012, the time 3pm. The temperature 1 degree celsius, and snowing. We jumped out of a cab, and landed smack in the heart of Times Square. I still remember that very moment, just standing still. Amazed. Smiling. For over 2 hours. Never had I ever seen so many people. We literally saw the world move around us, we saw day turn to night, we even saw a flashmob appear from what looked like ordinary bystanders. It really made us feel as though we were the centre of attention.

After taking in our surroundings we went for a walk and discovered a few hidden secrets tucked away in Times Square. I would love to name them all, but I would probably never stop typing. The two most memorable were: the Toys'R'Us store, and the M&M's store.

Whoever says that Toy stores are just for kids is wrong ... At the age of 18, deemed now an adult, this was the most fun I'd ever had in a toy store. From the full size indoor Ferris Wheel, to the real life size Matchbox Cars, it was truly a dream come true.

Source: Toys'R'Us NYC Times Square

Finally, the M&M's store. You know that feeling where you just want to eat that one colour M&M that you love over and over again, well this is possibly the only place in the world where this is possible. 

Source: M&M's Inc. NYC Times Square

To top of the perfect few hours that we experienced in Times Square, we camped out until 12 midnight to see the 2013 year role in, with the ball dropping at the Times Square Alliance
New Years Eve Party. 

To this day I thank my parents for taking me there as an end of school present, and I plan to one day take my family back to these same spots to share the same memorable moments that I still love to think about

If you're thinking about visiting Times Square, here's a short clip which will make you even more desired to visit ...

What has been a truly memorable holiday for you ?

- Nick

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